As the prime contractor, Charlotte Engineers designed the replacement of multiple air handling units (AHU’s), split-systems, water-cooled equipment, walk-in refrigerators and freezers; all in poor condition and located in Buildings 1 and 7. A complete evaluation of the deficient HVAC equipment was performed, and recommendations were provided to the VA for approval. Upon approval, Charlotte Engineers developed and prepared the complete construction package.
Equipment replaced incudes:
AHU’s: 7, 11, 12, 13, A level Lab (custom air handling unit), Canteen 10A (Ceiling Hung Unit), MSDS, Morgue, Mailroom, DX Packaged Unit for Bldg. 7 (B&C units)
Walk-in Boxes: (Mechanical Equipment Only): Dietary (Milk, Thaw, Produce), Canteen, Morgue (Demolish and Rebuild): Dietary (Thaw Box) and Canteen
Miscellaneous Equipment: Medical Vacuum System in Building 1
Due to the pandemic, the contract was modified to include COVID elimination devices for each AHU.