East Orange VA Medical Center

Upgrade Air Handling Units

& Water-Cooled Equipment

East Orange, NJ

$4,144,000 Construction Value

Construction In Progress
  • As the prime contractor, Charlotte Engineers designed the replacement of multiple air handling units (AHU’s), split-systems, water-cooled equipment, walk-in refrigerators and freezers; all in poor condition and located in Buildings 1 and 7. A complete evaluation of the deficient HVAC equipment was performed, and recommendations were provided to the VA for approval. Upon approval, Charlotte Engineers developed and prepared the complete construction package.
  • Equipment replaced incudes:
    • AHU’s: 7, 11, 12, 13, A level Lab (custom air handling unit), Canteen 10A (Ceiling Hung Unit), MSDS, Morgue, Mailroom, DX Packaged Unit for Bldg. 7 (B&C units)
    • Walk-in Boxes: (Mechanical Equipment Only): Dietary (Milk, Thaw, Produce), Canteen, Morgue (Demolish and Rebuild): Dietary (Thaw Box) and Canteen
    • Miscellaneous Equipment: Medical Vacuum System in Building 1
  • Due to the pandemic, the contract was modified to include COVID elimination devices for each AHU.